
Additional reading

Quizzes and homework

Quiz 0 Solutions
HW 1 Solutions
Quiz 1 Solutions
HW 2 Solutions
Quiz 2 Solutions
MATLAB EC 1 Solution
HW 3 + EC Solutions
Quiz 3 Solutions
HW 4 Solution
Quiz 4 Solutions
HW 5 Solution
Quiz 5 Solutions
Quiz 6 Solutions
Quiz 7 Solutions
Quiz 8 Solutions
Quiz 9 (TH) Solutions
Quiz 10 Solutions

MATLAB examples

Examples from the lab:
curvelength.m Plotting a parametric curve and numerically computing its length
step_size_importance.m Illustrates why picking a small step size is important
Cool examples:
mandelbrot.m Draws the Mandelbrot fractal
sierp.m Draws the Sierpinski triangle
sierp_better.m Draws the Sierpinski triangle in a better way
dragon.m Draws the Dragon curve
game_of_life.m Plays Conway's game of Life
cycloida.m Draws a nice cycloida curve
curveplot_anim.m Draws an animated curve in 3-dimensional space
anim_plot.m Draws an animated surface plot
a_3d_line_plot.m Draws a plot of a curve in 3-space
a_3d_surface_plot.m Draws a plot of a hyperbolic paraboloid
approximate_pi.m Approximates Pi with square roots

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